Rabu, 28 Oktober 2015

manajemen universitas muhammdiyah malang

Management Study Program intends to produce Economic bachelor who has the depth of management knowledge and be competent in entrepreneurship. The graduate of Management study program has competency in making decision in business that can adapt with the change of condition and environment so it can answer globalization and get some chances. Curriculum is designed into four concentrations, they are Human Resources Management, Operational Management, Marketing Management, and Financial Management. The learning is supported by competent lecturers in their fields who have graduated from postgraduate and doctoral degree, and several lecturers have experienced in managing businesses in business units of UMM and the others that have partnership with it. 

The entrepreneurial spirit of student is established by holding various trainings, mentoring and internship. Training is done by inviting business practitioner that includes entrepreneurship training, banking, capital market, and personality. Practicum is done by analizing problem and case in the field of Human Resources Management, Operational Management, Marketing Management and Financial Management in Management Laboratory by using various props and learning sources. Internship is prioritized for the final year student simultaneously with the final assignment (thesis). The place of internship for the student such as UMM Bookstore, UMM Inn, and several companies that become the partner of UMM. Student enterpreneurship practice is developed through Young Management Enterpreneur (YME) and Management English Community (MEC).

Management Study Program got accreditation A based on SK BAN-PT No. : 020/BAN-PT/Ak-XI/S1/VIII/2008 on August 29, 2008.
sumber: http://www.umm.ac.id/en/page/01030701/prodi-manajemen.html

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